Providing Free Alcohol & BYO
If you are providing alcohol at your function free of any charge then it is not a licensable activity. However this means you cannot charge for the alcohol in any way, e.g. if you include the provision of alcohol in the price of a ticket or ask for a donation towards the bar then this is a sale.
If people bring their own alcohol (BYO) to your function that is not a licensable activity, provided of course, that they do not sell the alcohol.
If you provide alcohol free or people bring their own you will still have to comply with our policy on the supply of alcohol free of charge ver 1.0
Selling Alcohol
If you are selling alcohol at your function it is a licensable activity and you will need to comply with our Premises Licence and our policy on the sale of alcohol ver 1.2
If you run a raffle with alcohol as a prize at your function it is treated as a licensable activity and you will need to comply with our Premises Licence and our policy on the sale of alcohol ver 1.2
Under Age Drinking
Any function at which alcohol is available by any means must comply with the restrictions on under age drinking contained within each of our policies.