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News and Upcoming Events

We sponsor a number of events throughout the year to raise funds for enhancements to our Village Hall and to serve our local community.

Whatever your preference, enjoy quizzes, music, murder/mystery, plus food, drink and good company.  In addition to fund raising events, we welcome sponsorship by individuals or businesses.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Washington Village Memorial Hall Charity (Charity No: 278148) will take place in the Doré Room of Washington Village Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 24th July 2024.

The purpose of the meeting is:

  • to receive from The Washington Village Memorial Hall Trustee Board the report and statement of accounts of the Charity for the preceding year
  • to elect the Elected Members of the Washington Village Memorial Hall Trustee Board

The Meeting is open to all inhabitants of the parish of Washington and the neighbourhood thereof aged 18 and over.  Please come and support your Village Hall.

For further information please contact The Secretary by email or telephone 01243 551 966 or 07759 613776

Solar Energy

The Trustees of the Village Memorial Hall have been working on a new energy project. Our initial aims are to use solar power as the main source; maximise our ability to store energy but retain usage of power from the electricity network when needed and introduce EV charging points.

We have started to reduce energy consumption by:

replacing gas heating with infrared (adding some heating where currently inadequate or non-existent)

upgrading lighting with LEDs; add motion control to all lights and heating and improve the insulation of the buildings

We have also conducted some structural and environmental surveys and identified potential contractors.

We have identified a number of sources for grants and funding as well as planning and building control requirements, with approximate timescales.

We particularly wish to thank Washington Parish Council who have been very supportive and have agreed in principle to provide considerable funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

All the Trustees are volunteers and have given their time to this willingly.

Now we need your help please.  We know there are lots of people in and around Washington with expertise in various fields.  If you would be interested in supporting and assisting such an important environmental project to future proof our hall, please get in touch.  We would also like to hear from anyone who is able to make a donation towards this project, any amount would be greatly appreciated.
For further information or to register your interest and give your comments please email us at

Copyright the Washington Village Memorial Hall Charity (No. 278148) © 2014, All rights reserved.