
The Village Hall is administered and managed by the Washington Village Memorial Hall Charity (Charity No: 278148).  The Trustee Board of the Charity is responsible for the overall administration and management of the Village Hall.  The regulation of the Charity is specified in governing document – jan 1979

The policy documents of the Trustee Board are available on this website: Our Policies

The Trustee Board

The Trustee Board consists of the following trustees of the Charity:

trustee board & teams

  • up to 4 elected members
    • Chair – Helen Twine
    • Secretary – Pat O’Shea
    • Treasurer – Alan Edmonds
    • Tracey Slaughter
  • up to 2 co-opted members
    • Lorna Goldsmith

The elected members are elected each year by the residents at the Annual General Meeting.  The co-opted members are elected by the elected members at their volition.  All trustees hold their positions until the next Annual General Meeting.

The Trustee Board meets regularly at the Village Hall, usually on the first Monday of each month.  Minutes of these meetings are available on this website: minutes of meetings

The day to day running of the Village Hall is delegated by the Trustee Board to a number of operational teams manned by volunteers, who give their time freely. The Trustee Board pays for the management, maintenance and cleaning of the Village Hall.

Operational Teams

The operational teams are:
Customer Management Team. The team handles enquiries about booking the hall and provides advice on what we offer and availability.  The team is responsible for working with every customer to ensure they receive excellent service.
Digital Infrastructure. The team is responsible for developing and managing all digital tools used to support the day to day running of the Village Hall; e.g. the website, Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram.
Event Management. The team is responsible for identifying and managing all fund raising events for the Village Hall.
Facilities Management. The team is responsible for the management and maintenance of the Village Hall building.
Marketing. The team is responsible for the Village Hall brand and all publicity for the Village Hall and its events.

Copyright the Washington Village Memorial Hall Charity (No. 278148) © 2014, All rights reserved.